33 Tortie Cat
Another Chance Sanctuary
OH, 43410

Phone: 419-307-1559

Opening Hours:
Phone or text for an appointment to meet a pet

The pet in the photo (top right) is looking for a home. Click on the picture for more information about it.

Lost and Found Pets are featured on the Another Chance Sanctuary Facebook Page

Volunteers Needed
We are in desperate need of volunteers to help out in our cat barn in the mornings. The job would include feeding and watering the cats, scooping, washing litter boxes. Sweeping, mopping and washing dishes after the cats have eaten their wet cat food. If you can donate even one day a week it would help out immensely. Anyone that would be interested please call and speak to Dr Hirt at 419-307-1559 and she would be able to fill you in on everything.

Who we are
Another Chance Sanctuary was established in 2009 by Dr.Laura Hirt, DVM. For many years Dr. Hirt has opened her home and practice to unwanted and disabled animals. Many have found homes however rising costs and a poor economy have forced a record number of pet owners to relinquish their animals. Many others are unable to afford treatments or surgeries for their special needs pets. It is the mission of Another Chance Sanctuary to provide housing and medical care for these animals. Whenever possible we try to place them with families that can permanently provide for their needs but unfortunately we are unable to place all our animals. In such cases we pledge to provide quality care for the remainder of their lives. This is a mission we cannot do on our own. We do not have a corporate benefactor, our sanctuary relies on donations from private citizens.

Lost your dog?
Some of the stray dogs are featured on the Another Chance Sanctuary Facebook Page but not all are put here so contact the shelter if you have lost your dog.

Adopting a dog?
For animals that have not been spayed or neutered: adoptions are open to residents of . If an animal is already spayed or neutered then it is available to be adopted by anyone (even out of state residents). Phone to check that the dog is available and what paperwork is required from you.

Make sure that you are able to take your dog home on the day you adopt it. We will not keep a dog for you after its 'available' day.

Find the right dog for you
When looking for that new family member please remember to really think about the things you and your family want and need in a pet that fits the family lifestyle. Get to know your breeds! Some breeds require more space, exercise and circumstances than others. Even if you are going to adopt a mixed breed, look into what it's primary breed needs in a home, environment and exercise. Your new family member needs to be wanted by everyone in the family and included in your daily lives to be truly happy. Click here for more information on how to find the right dog.

Fostering a dog or cat
We have many animals at the shelter that are available to be fostered (given a temporary home until we find it a permanent home). If you would like more information on fostering or would like to apply to be a foster mom or dad please contact us.

Keep your dog in the family

Visiting Another Chance Sanctuary
Please phone us on 419-307-1559 to check that the dog you want to visit is still available.
Location Map of Another Chance Sanctuary, Clyde, OH =

Cats Needing Homes
Please take the time to check out all the nice young kittens and cats kittens and cats here. Please contact us for more information about the cats available for adoption.

This website is funded, operated and maintained by The Dog Rescues Network as a service to the community. This website has no connection with Another Chance Sanctuary. No payment has been received or is required. For enquiries about this website e-mail: webmaster@dogrescues.net